Clear BLU Pool Care offers a number of swimming pool services. Whether you are a do-it-yourselfer that just needs a kickstart to get your pool into shape for the season, or you need someone to do your regular swimming pool maintenance, Clear BLU Pool Care has you covered.
Our services are listed below into two main categories, standard ongoing maintenance, and one-time and short-term services. Some starting costs are listed, but the majority of our services are quoted on a case by case basis. Checkout what we have to offer, and if you’re still not sure, please get in touch with us we would be happy to help you coordinate your pool needs.
Standard Swimming Pool Maintenance

Full Pool Service
Starting at $225/mo.
Our Full-Service option includes the Chemical Only & Plus Services, additionally we will remove the floating and submerged debris, and brush the walls, steps, swim outs and waterline tile. As with the Chemical Only and Plus Services, we do a full site and equipment evaluation before each visit is complete. Our Full-Service option allows more time on site which means we also get a closer look at how your equipment is functioning and in turn allows for more opportunities to dial everything in to run at peak performance.
[As of June 1, 2022 an additional fuel surcharge is added to the monthly service]
Chemicals Plus Basket Service
Starting at $170/mo.
Our most popular service. Referred to as ‘Chem-Plus’. We take the hassle out of storing and administering pool chemicals. We also check and clear your catch baskets & nets, like; skimmer baskets, pump baskets, and sweep baskets/bags(if applicable), and finger screens of all foreign contaminating debris. We will also help make seasonal adjustments, and recommendations to your pump operation schedule. As with ‘Chemical Service’ we will complete a full site and equipment evaluation every service visit to communicate any maintenance needs before they arise.
[As of June 1, 2022 an additional fuel surcharge is added to the monthly service]

Chemicals Only Service
Starting at $140/mo.
Best option for our budget conscious and DIY customers. We analyze and balance your pool water chemistry, including: free chlorine, total chlorine, combined chlorine, total alkalinity, pH, calcium hardness, cyanuric acid, salt (if applicable) and others as needed. Each visit we will complete a basic site and equipment visual assessment. We will communicate any maintenance issues to you as they become apparent.
[As of June 1, 2022 an additional fuel surcharge is added to the monthly service]
Commercial Facility Swimming Pool Maintenance
call for a quote
Clear BLU Pool Care keeps up to date with all the recent changes that make it difficult to keep a ‘commercial’ pool open. We stay up to date with all the latest health codes and entrapment hazards and we also maintain relationships with the health code inspectors in the jurisdictions that we cover. If you manage a small to large pool facility for hotel, home-owners association, apartment complex, or gym give us a call. It’s our goal to make your pool users experience an enjoyable and care free one.
[As of June 1, 2022 an additional fuel surcharge is added to the monthly service]

Short-term Swimming Pool Maintenance
If you aren’t looking for a long-term commitment, or you’re new to pool ownership, or you just need someone to come in and clear up a few things on your pool before you take over when its more manageable, Clear BLU Pool Care has you covered.

Green Pool Clean-up
$897 and up – Call for a quote
Green pools are the worst! And depending on the cause, they can be a downright nightmare to get cleared up. That’s OK!! We’ll get your pool ‘Spring Clean’ in no time. Our clean-up services are great for the green pool BLU’s.
We also clean-up and maintain REO foreclosed, or newly acquired property pools. Keep in mind because we don’t know the cause of the green, the cost of clean-up can vary greatly.
[As of June 1, 2022 an additional fuel surcharge is added to clean-up services]
DIY Pool Maintenance School
Starting at $497
Don’t want to hire a pool service, but not too sure if you can handle it yourself? We offer pool school consulting services.
In approximately 3 hours, we will teach you how to do a full comprehensive chemical analysis on your pool water, how to service your filter, how to vacuum your pool. Our comprehensive plan will prepare you for servicing your pool for many years to come. You’ll come away from the school with confidence that you can maintain your pool, and we will also provide you with a complete professional testing kit to get you started.
If at the end of the school you realize that you would rather hire us to do all that work, we will split the bill with you. Pay for only half of the consultation and use the remaining amount to apply toward weekly pool service.

Pool Filter Maintenance
Starting at $100
Swimming pool filters come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. From sand to cartridge to D.E. filters, we do them all. Give us a call and we’ll get you a quote for service.
Large Volume Filter maintenance $215
Medium Volume Filter maintenance $175
Small Volume Filter maintenance $100
(pricing is labor only, and doesn’t include filter media replacement)
[As of June 1, 2022 an additional fuel surcharge is added to Filter Maintenance services]
Solar Heating Services
Winterize – starting at $150
Solar collector(panel) leak repair – starting at $150
Solar remove/reinstall for re-roof – Call for quote
Solar heat is a great way to augment your traditional pool heater in an affordable way that leaves a minimal carbon footprint, and it also extends your swim season for up to two months. Clear BLU Pool Care offers solar heating troubleshooting and repairs. If your pool solar is leaking or otherwise needs service, give us a call we can help.

Swimming Pool General Labor
General labor rate – starting at $150
Emergency rate (weekends/ Holidays)- $225/hr
Minimum Service call – $150/trip
[As of June 1, 2022 an additional fuel surcharge is added to labor & repair invoices]
Swimming pool control systems are becoming more complex year by year, and there are simply some things that can’t be done by the DIYer. With any number of plumbing, electrical, low-voltage, or chemical controls that may need to be troubleshot, sometimes its just time to call in a professional. For our service clients, we are happy to answer questions and put together quotes to help you out, for those who have never worked with us before you can see our rates are reasonable. Give us a call or email and let us know what’s going on so we can arrange a quote, or set an appointment for a repair.
Hours of Operation:
- Monday No Phones
- Tuesday 9am – 5pm
- Wednesday 9am – 4pm
- Thursday 9am – 5pm
- Friday Closed
- Saturday Closed
- Sunday Closed
EMERGENCY Services: Billed @ $225/ hour –
Minimum service charge $150
Contact Us Directly: set up a quote